Since the start of the attack on me I went under two surgeries in the first surgery they took off my left kidney and in the second they took off half of my right saliva gland.

I am suffering from arthritis.

Few days before my movement was restricted I got bleeding in the right aye.

Since January 2004 until today 7 April 2006 I am living with broken hand without being able to go to the surgeon who decided to operate me and fix it with a nail.

More than that I can not transit Switzerland to go to the province of Como Italy to which Campione D ‘Italia is belonging – even for administrative necessities.

[Campione D’Italia where I live is a small Italian enclave of 2 square kilometres surrounded by Swiss territory does not have a Hospital but dependant on Switzerland for medical hospitals.]

On 23/3/2004 I applied to the Swiss authority to allow me to go to the doctors and lawyers, I received inhuman respond.

Thanks God my spirit, morals and faith are still as ever, height and strong, even if this could not overcome the physics, biology and nature of my human body structure.

It is true that I am dying alive, but still preserving my honour and pride.

75 years old, denied any financial resource not only to live or to pay hospitals, doctors and utilities, but even to hire lawyers, appeal to courts or human rights in Europe or in USA.

I am not begging for charity or privilege or assistance. All these coordinated efforts to bring my head down will not succeed.

I know my values, which resulted from my morals, culture, human feeling and law obedience.

I shall continue to defend my honour through every legal mean available in the world until I succeed or die .

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